



Administrative Structure

  • ProfHistória, offered on national network, is a stricto sensu post-graduation program.  
  • The Professional Master’s Degree objective is to provide continuing education to primary education history teachers that are ministering classes to any year of primary education (elementary school and high school).  The lines of research are:  a) historical knowledge in the school environment; b) languages and historical narratives: production and diffusion; and c) historical knowledge in different memory spaces.
  • In 2015, among the 43 proposals of adhesion to the Program, the inclusion of 18 new nuclei was approved, among which the one from State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) with 15 places, to be started in the second half of 2016.  
  • For 2018, Unicamp offered once again 15 places, and now receives its third class, the 2019 class.
  • ProfHistória Unicamp classes are concentrated on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • To apply for one of the places, the person interested must:  
  • - have college degree certificate duly registered in the Ministry of Education (not necessarily a college degree in History)
  • - work as History teacher in any year of Primary Education (Elementary School and High School).   


PROFESSORS (curricula according to information provided by professors on their Lattes curricula)

Aldair Carlos Rodrigues
Aline Vieira de Carvalho (Coordinator)
Arnaldo Pinto Júnior
Cristina Meneguello
Fernando Teixeira da Silva
José Alves de Freitas Neto
Josianne Francia Cerasoli
Luana Saturnino Tvardovskas
Lucilene Reginaldo
Marcos Tognon
Raquel Gryszczenko Alves Gomes
Ricardo Figueiredo Pirola
Rodrigo Camargo de Godoi
Rui Luis Rodrigues



Shortcuts for selection processes common to post-graduation programs (for example, special students)




See here the defended dissertations:


Methodology and Teaching: challenges and innovations in Human Sciences

The Human Sciences field has significantly advanced in the use of analysis and teaching methodologies. With the evolution of technology it is possible to aggregate a large universe of information and refine the mechanisms for data collection and analysis.  New tools enable the collection and cross-referencing of data with speed and precision unthinkable 20 years ago. In order to develop their works, researchers from different human sciences areas are constantly updating classical methods of analysis, but also, in a creative way, they create new ways to understand social reality.  Given the need to train researcher connected to advanced research techniques, the IFCH post-graduation programs propose a new project in Human Sciences methodology turned to research and teaching.  The project is focused on qualitative and quantitative methodologies and has a multidisciplinary approach format involving 10 PGPs of the Institute. The project’s structure enables the transversal exploration of each technique, thus contributing to the training of researchers and offering the opportunity of learning innovative techniques with wide application in the different areas of Human Sciences. The multidisciplinary methodologies also aim at the improvement of teaching in high education and, mainly, enabling the society access to the university research results, valuing the dialogue with the teacher training, the challenges of Primary Education and the need to talk to increasingly wider audiences. The project will also enable the establishment of international networks of researchers, potentiating the internationalization process of Brazilian human sciences, encouraging international collaboration, providing visibility to IFCH/Unicamp research and post-graduation programs, promoting the international consolidation of research centers already existing in the Institute. At first we propose the deepening of methodologies such as:  Historical Analysis of Events, Sources and Files, Public History and Digital History, Population Projections, Multilevel Analysis applied to Human Sciences, Qualitative Analysis and Mixed Methods, Game Theory, Experiments in Social Sciences, Digital Ethnography, Ethnography of images and spelling, Ethnography in files and Kinship Networks.


Nashieli Rangel Loera


Environment and Society; Social Anthropology; Political Science; Demography; Philosophy; History; Profhistória; International Relations; Sociology

Networks of History

The contemporary world presents challenges to human sciences, like the emergence of new social actors that fairly claim the inclusion of their narratives and experiences in the academic debate.  In this panorama, interculturality plays a central role to deal with these new realities or to reinterpret the past from a new perspective, that is, rethink History in terms of cultural interactions. Peter Burke, in a recent book on cultural hybridism (Hybrid Renaissance, 2016), talks precisely about the concept of ‘displacement’ as one of the main innovation tools. As we displace concepts, people or traditions, new ideas and analytical perspectives emerge. Working with the concept of interaction networks enables us to deal with two central problems in the study of History: the relations between change and continuity and among different groups, whether they are distinct due to ethnicities, geography, social conditions or even generations. Such proposal also presents an inflection in the teaching issue, whether in the training of research professors in higher education, or the impact on Primary Education and communication with wider audiences (public history, extension to non formal teaching spaces, reach to the population in general).  So, the project includes, on one hand, the financing of research whose focus is on themes related to cultural interactions, circulation of people, ideas and objects, as well as the circulation and debate among subjects.  On the other hand, the project intends to invest in higher interaction of participants with foreign institutions, making of interculturality not only a research theme, but an academic policy as well.  The department of History, which today counts on two post-graduation programs (ProfHistória and the PGP in History), since its foundation gave rise to several research groups that regularly generate thematic projects and obtain financing with FAPESP and CNPq, having international interaction as one of its main axes. Following this tradition, covenants and collaborations already active or under development will be used, and, concomitantly, new opportunities of international cooperation will be sought. In this regard, scholarships and financings that enable the displacement of researchers and students to missions and internships in different units will be fundamental for the good development of the project.   


Fernando Teixeira da Silva


History, Profhistória


Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Aline Vieira de Carvalho

IFCH Graduate Secretariat

Rua Cora Coralina, nº 100, Campinas/SP, Zip code 13083-896

Office hours

Monday to Friday

09h30 am to 11h30 am, and 01h30 pm to 03h30 pm

Telephone: +55 (19) 3521-1578

Secretary of Professional Master’s Degree in History Teaching