Research lines
The program’s research lines prioritize the formal analysis of population dynamics as a result of the influences of demographic components (mortality, fertility, nuptiality, and migration), as well as analysis of social, political, cultural, and economic aspects vis-à-vis demographic transformations. In line with the principles of human and social rights, these studies aim to contribute to the betterment of the living conditions of populations.
1) Demographic Dynamics and Social Policies
- Demography and Ethnicities
Marta Azevedo
- Historical Demography
Ana Silvia Volpi Scott
Maria Silvia C. Beozzo Bassanezi
Maísa Faleiros da Cunha
- Family, Gender and Populations
Glaucia dos Santos Marcondes
Joice melo Vieira
Maria Coleta Ferreira Albino de Oliveira
- Demographic Methods
Everton Emanuel Campos de Lima
- Population and Health
Luciana Correia Alves
Tirza Aidar
2) Population Studies
Population and Environment
Álvaro Oliveira D’Antona
Roberto Luiz doCarmo
3) Spatial Redistribution of the Population
Alberto Augusto Eichman Jakob
José Marcos Pinto da Cunha
Rosana Aparecida Baeninger
4) Reproductive Health and Sexuality
Marta Azevedo
Tirza Aidar