
The Graduate Program in Sociology offers four research topics.
The research topics are the result of the developments and thematic diversification of projects developed by professors and students.
They may:
a) integrate professors from different areas of the social sciences;
b) involve researchers from other departments, institutes and universities.
This means that the research topics exist for practical proposals, involving the professors for a certain period of time.
For the Graduate Program in Sociology it is important to have an interdisciplinary openness, which is guaranteed by the implementation of item "b".
As a reminder, at Unicamp there are several centers and research groups that have already been institutionalized (CEB, CERES, CESOP, CTEME, NEPAM, NEPO, NEPP, PAGU, CEMARX, GEBU and Critical Theory and Sociology Research Group). Many professors from the Department of Sociology are members of them.
The exchange with these groups and other departments of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences is certainly a multidisciplinary wealth to be grasped and integrated in the structure of the Graduate Program.
Research Topic 1 - Environment and Technology
Description: This topic addresses the relationship between technology and environment from a sociological perspective, considering the mutual implications of environmental and technological changes in different social contexts. Technical progress has found its boundaries or its inspiration to overcome it in nature. However, nowadays, it appears much more as a determinant of environmental changes than as a result of them. In this sense, awareness of environmental problems and their relationship with technology has driven many debates in the contemporary social sciences. On the other hand, as technology provides new social, cultural and environmental changes, it is also directed socially, environmentally and culturally. Theoretical reflection and empirical research are encouraged, as well as the connection to correspondingly emerging contemporary issues such as social movements, territory and forms of sociability associated with new technologies of information and communication.
Research Topic 2 - Culture
Description: This topic covers a wide area of interest for cultural issues in their historical, theoretical and empirical meanings. The interest involving research on culture may correlate with the research themes and transformations of contemporary society. This topic includes studies that we can consider more classic such as the sociology of literature and art, along with a wide range of other issues and problems such as Brazilian culture, identity, culture industry, culture and politics, and intellectual and artistic trajectories. It also contemplates studies on education and other intersections between culture and contemporary social processes. In addition, it contemplates investigations and cross reflections on the production and circulation of ideas and cultural heritage, diversity, neighborhoods, gender, subjectivity and capitalism. The spectrum of topics provides the possibility of theoretical and empirical studies on the meaning of the term culture and at the same time aims to stimulate reflections about the characteristic contemporary social processes.
Research Topic 3 - Theory and Sociological Thought
Description: This research topic is based on the historical process of formation of sociology as a field of knowledge, buoyed by the processes of teaching and research of classic and contemporary authors, both Brazilian and foreign. The topic includes the study of authors and themes largely consolidated by the sociological tradition and social theory, as well as topics and emerging authors who have questioned and given continuity to this tradition. In constant connection with other research topics and the multitude of projects that are developed in the program, this line aims to ensure the reflection, critical and systematic and thorough research of different theoretical perspectives and expressions of social thought, with its contradictions, challenges and connections with the historical processes and methodologies of the sociological field. Thus seeks to encourage and foster theoretical elaboration in sociology.
Research Topic 4 - Work and Society
Description: This line is built around studies and research of classical themes of the sociology of work and different processes, structures and social changes that correlate to the world of work. Thus, it is dedicated to theoretical or empirical research and the articulation between them, and seeks to investigate classic and contemporary authors who have contributed to the understanding of the work sphere. The research topic includes different studies such as: unionism, social movements and classes, citizenship, capitalism, rural studies, migration and gender. This research line holds strongly the attempt of understanding the interweaving of work and the transformations of modern society, integration relationships and/or conflict arising therefrom, micro and macro processes involved in the multifaceted world of work.