
Wittgenstein: Conhecimento e Ceticismo (aquisição indisponível pelo site, apenas na Livraria) - vol. 77
Arley R. Moreno

The primary objetive of the cration of CLE was to develop activities in the areas of logic, Epistemology, and History of Science, as well as interdisciplinary research, as a result of which the Centre  now supports an intense academic exchange between researchers and institutions within Brazil and overscas. Activities include the regular organization of seminars and scientific meetings, coordination of research programs, assessment of interdisplinary postgraduate courses, and the maintenance of bibliographic and other literature resources that are available to support the work of researchers and students...

Série: Consignados Docentes IFCH
Área de conhecimento: Filosofia
Ano: 2016
ISBN Impresso: 978-85-86497-28-5
Peso: 280 gramas
Tamanho: 16x23
Número de páginas: 290
Arquivo digital do livro: Arquivo indisponível
Resumo do livro: Arquivo indisponível