formatting parameters

1. Texts should be formatted in Times New Roman, size 12, 1 ½ space. Ab-stracts should contain one hundred words in average.

2. The RHAA does not publish bibliographical references at the end of texts. Therefore, when a reference appears for the first time, it should be fully quoted in the note. In subsequent appearances, observe the following pattern: LAST NAME, Name. Op. cit, page number. Notes should be indicated in texts by Arabic numbers, in order and listed at bottom of pages (foot notes).

3. When inserted in the text, quotes must be set off by quotation marks (in case of quotation marks in the original text, these should be transformed into apo-strophes). When quotes bring five or more complete lines, the paragraph should be indented on the left, font size 11 and single spaced. Italics must only be used for titles, foreign language expressions and detached terms.

4. Images should not be inserted in the text file and must be submitted in single separate files (TIF or JPG formats), in low resolution, for the selection process. Images should be indicated in the text between brackets: Eg.: [Plate 1], [Plate 2], [Plate 3], and so on. Each image file must be identified with this numbering without brackets.

5. After the article’s approval, the author should immediately submit high reso-lution images to be published. Image resolution must be 300 dpi minimum, compatible with dimensions in which they will be reproduced.

6. On a separate file, containing the article title, the author should make a list of captions for all images, following the established numbering. When the image is a reproduction of an artistic work, the caption must contain, in order: Author. Title. (date), technique, dimensions – Collection. Photo credit or Place of Ori-gin: (reference to publishing and page where image was captured). In this file, the author should also indicate reproduction size of each image (full page, half page, ¼, etc.).

7. Each original text must always be followed by a foreign language version or a translation into Portuguese, both complete, following the same formatting pattern. This version should be immediately submitted after the experts’ approval.

português  |  english      

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